Monday, April 13, 2009

In which I may have lost my mind

Flink flink flink flink.

I know, I know.  I've been staring at you for an hour and a half.


Yeah, I know.  But I just can't think of anything.

Flink.  Flinky flink flink.

Right, Cursor, that's true, but isn't it better not to write anything than just to write a bunch of nonsensical dreck?

Flink, flink flink flink flink flink.

Wait, what do you mean that would be a change?  I try to write posts that are somewhat entertaining, yes, but I also like them to be uplifting and informative.

Flink flink flink flink!

Oh really?  Have you ever tried to write a blog?  It's not as easy as it looks.

Flink flink flink flink!

That's not funny.


Stop laughing at me!


Oh, come on!  Like YOU do anything important?  You just sit around flinking your flinker all the livelong day.  "Flink flink flink."  Very creative.

Flink flink flinker flink.  Flink flinking flink flink FLINK.

There is NO. NEED. to get personal.

Flink.  Flink flinky.


Flinky flink.  Flink?

Ok.  Truce.  

Flink flink.  Flink flink flink flink!

I'll try to think of something for tomorrow night, ok?

Flink flink.

Good night.


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